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Techshot, Inc.

7200 Hwy. 150
Greenville, IN 47124
United States

Total mission management: we can fly your experiment and/or product in space.

Turnkey spaceflight equipment development:

Our team works with principal investigators early in the experiment development cycle

Requirements review and agreement

Engineering analysis and simulations

Prototype hardware for ground-based testing in the investigator’s laboratory

Space-qualified hardware design and fabrication

Flight hardware verification testing

Systems safety engineering — key to flight certification

Mission/experiment planning, integration and management

Flight integration services:

Our Space Act Agreement with NASA allows us to take care of everything required to launch your product or experiment to space

Flight opportunity brokering for suborbital and orbital missions

Ground-trainer mockup development

Crew familiarization and hardware training

Payload integration and mission operations

Launch site assistance with payload processing

Experiment loading and handover for integration into the vehicle

Payload monitoring while on orbit using our own Payload Operations Control Center

Payload collection and return during post-landing recovery operations

Bonded storage of flight hardware, parts and materials