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Metalcraft, Inc.

3360 9th St. S.W.
Mason City, IA 50401
United States

Metalcraft has provided property identification solutions since 1950. What began as a solution for the Bostitch Stapler Company's identification needs has evolved into Metalcraft as we know it today. The solution for Bostitch was to have Metalcraft provide nameplates with printed copy of Bostitch customer names that were attached with solvent-activated adhesive to their staplers.

Since that first Bostitch stapler solution in 1950, Metalcraft has provided thousands of businesses and industries throughout North America and around the world with a wide range of choices in durable nameplates and labels to meet the needs of the ever-evolving industry of tracking and controlling. These customized products may include consecutive numbers using barcode and/or RFID technologies.

Made from the toughest materials including polyester, anodized aluminum, stainless steel, polycarbonate, ceramic and more, Metalcraft nameplates and labels are built to withstand environments ranging from mild to extreme and resist abrasion, caustics/acids, solvents, salt air, high temperatures, and UV rays.