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Gesellschaft fur intelligente Wirksysteme mbH

Kupferstrasse 4
90478 Nurnberg

As a joint venture operation of Diehl Defence GmbH & Co. KG and Rheinmetall Weapon Munition GmbH (each hold a 50 percent share), Gesellschaft für Intelligente Wirksysteme mbH (Nürnberg) coordinates the development and production of advanced smart ammunition equipped with sensors and electronics.

The company also has extensive experience in system analysis and assessment of ammunition and the adaptation of same to land-based and airborne weapon systems.

Acting as prime contractor, GIWS was, for instance, responsible for developing and marketing the sensor-fuzed ammunition for the artillery, and after completion of this order GIWS received a delivery contract to cover the entire requirement of the German armed forces and contracts of other countries.

The product portfolio of GIWS comprises smart ammunition as rounds and as submunition for use in rockets, guided artillery ammunition or dispensers.